Available Dog
Raynor is a Husky and American Bulldog handsome mix! He is 10 months old and weighs 60 lbs. He is all puppy and would do well with some training. Husky…
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Tiger is a Terrier and American Bulldog mix. He is 10 weeks old cuddlebug! Is playful and weighs 12 lbs.
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Foxx is an adult female Weimaraner Mix. Medium size in chocolate brown. She is a very friendly girl who loves her walks and time in the play yards. She is…
Tim is as adult male Vizsla in medium size. He is only 1.5 years old with lots of love to give. Weighs 50 lbs. He is a friendly and spunky…
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Estelle is a senior female Pit Bull Terrier Estelle was returned to our shelter after her family had a baby. She is still wondering why she ended up back at…
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Suede is a male Cane Corso large breed puppy. He is smart, playful and oh so handsome!
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Lulu is an adult 5 year old Pointer mix. Her family adopted her in 2019 and was returned because they had a baby and Lulu just did not understand. Of…
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Kardi is an adult female Chihuahua. She is 3 years old and weighs 13 lbs. She is a bit timid at first, but warms up quickly and loves cuddling!
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Kibbles is a young female Chihuahua. She is an adorable 1.5 year old Chi that weighs 9 lbs. She came in with her mother Kardi. They were found living in…
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Young male Beagle / Corgi Mix. He is an absolute doll baby! 6 months old and 20 lbs. Very sweet, friendly and cute as a button!
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